11 March 2025
Our next Ploughing Seminar will be held on Saturday 29th March 2025. Email us for details.
3 March 2025
Check out our results page for the results of the fantastic 2025 European Ploughing Championships - for both the Reversible and Vintage Champions. There are loads of photographs on our Facebook page.
12 February 2025
Look at our Facebook or Instagram page for all the competitors who will be taking part in the 2025 European Ploughing Championships to be held in Nottinghamshire on 1st & 2nd March.
6 January 2025
A reminder to all our affiliated societies - don't forget to send in your match dates for 2025 to be included in the spring edition of Ploughing Times.
10 December 2024
Wishing all our members and affiliated societies Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year ..... and there's still time to buy gifts and stocking fillers from our SHOP page!
14 September 2024
Make sure your membership fees are paid up - the latest edition of Ploughing Times is being sent out now!
18 July 2024
Advanced tickets are now on sale for this year's British National Ploughing Championships & Country Festival, to be held on the Thoresby Estate, Nottinghamshire, NG22 9EQ on 12th & 13th October 2024. Click below to buy your tickets in advance - there's an extra 'early bird' discount until the end of August.
1 May 2024
If you haven't joined the Bridgestone Club yet - do it now! This month, their "Cup of Tea and a Chat" interview is with our own Sue Frith, Chief Executive of the Society of Ploughmen. Check it out here: www.bridgestone-agriculture.eu/bridgestoneclub
28 February 2024
Watch Channel 5 on TV tomorrow (Thurs 29th February) as there's a new series starting at 8pm - Somerset: Wonder of the West Country which is narrated by Alan Titchmarsh. They were filming at last year's British National Ploughing Championships which were held at Bishops Lydeard, near Taunton, following Somerset horse ploughman, Mick Puxty.
19 February 2024
Bridgestone are pleased to offer SOP members the chance to join their Bridgestone Club. FREE prizes - News / Events / My Tractor - My Photo Gallery - each month. Digital Pressure Gauges this month. Simply click on www.bridgestone-agriculture/bridgestoneclub.
14 February 2024
Our Ploughing Seminar in Shropshire on 17th February is fully booked. Bookings will be opened in the next few days for the Ploughing Seminar and Training Day to be held near Coventry. Email us for more details.
8 February 2024
The latest edition of Ploughing Times is out and is on its' way to all our members and affiliated societies.
23 January 2024
At the last meeting of the SOP Directors and Committees, they made some minor changes to the SOP Rules, specifically in the Ferguson Class. Nothing major has been changed, so dates of equipment, etc remain the same:
Rule 1 now reads:
TRACTOR Any as manufactured Ferguson T20, Ferguson Brown and Ford Ferguson tractors.
Rule 2a now reads:
PLOUGHS Any as manufactured mounted Ferguson plough in production before 31st December 1956.
Rule 2b now reads:
Ferguson plough bodies to be in production before 31st December 1956.
In the guidelines, it states that: Tractor cabs are allowed and Hydraulic top links, other hydraulic rams and quick entry top links are not allowed.
The SOP Rule Book has been updated to include the above.
30th December 2023
BBC Radio 4's Farming Today Programme, there was a feature called 'The Pull of The Plough'. It includes interviews from the 2023 British National Ploughing Championships in Somerset - click here to listen https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m001ts2j - it's only available for 30 days!
1st December 2023
There was a professional video crew at the above event in Somerset who have prepared a fantastic 11 minute highlights video, featuring horses, steam and tractors. There are some stunnng aerial shots taken by drone and it is a thoroughly entertaining watch. Anyone interested in either a DVD copy of the film or a copy sent electronically, can contact the film producer, Clinton Rogers at clinton.rogers@btinternet.com or 07836 575911. The cost of the film is £12 and if a DVD is sent by post there will be an additional charge of £1.25 for p&p. PLEASE NOTE: This film must be ordered via Clinton Rogers above. It cannot be ordered through the Society of Ploughmen.
17th October 2023
Click here to see the results and photographs from the 2023 British National Ploughing Championships at Bishops Lydeard, near Taunton.
17 September 2023
Make sure your membership is up-to-date - Ploughing Times is ready to be sent out!
25 July 2023
Have a look at our Facebook page - there are competitions to win tickets to this year's British National Ploughing Championships & Country Festival!
29 June 2023
Discounted advanced ticket for this year's British National Ploughing Championships & Country Festival are now available online with better discounts for early birds! Click the button below to buy now!
22 June 2023
A reminder to all ploughmen and women to get your entries in - the closing date for ploughing entries for this year's British National Ploughing Championships is 30th June.
25 April 2023
Our thanks to everyone who attended the 50th Annual General Meeting of the Society yesterday. It was a very enjoyable and friendly day. The Chairman presented certificates to the 2022 British National Ploughing Champions who were present.
27 March 2023
Results of the Five Nations Ploughing Challenge on Friday and Saturday as follows:
Our thanks to the Whitchurch YFC for organising the event on behalf of England.
23 March 2023
Looking forward to the Five Nations Ploughing Challenge being held here in England this weekend. It's at the Whitchurch YFC Ploughing Match - see our UK Matches page for full details.
17 March 2023
The latest edition of Ploughing Times is on its way to all our members and affiliated societies. Make sure your annual fee is up-to-date to receive your copy!
16 December 2022
We wish all our members and societies a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.
8 December 2022
At our Directors and Committees meeting this week there were changes made to the rules.
To bring the Classic Reversible Class inline with the European Vintage Ploughing Championships, changes have been made to allow hydraulic turnover on the headland. There are also changes in the equipment rules for the horticultural class. Rule books will be updated in the next few days with these changes.
11th October 2022
Click here for the results of the 2022 British National Ploughing Championships.
27 September 2022
Everything's looking good for the forthcoming British National Ploughing Championships & Country Festival on the Chatsworth Estate, Glapwell, North East Derbyshire on 8th and 9th October. Don't forget discounted tickets are available in advance online.
12 September 2022
The latest copy of Ploughing Times is ready to be posted to all our members and affiliated societies.
5 September 2022
The European Vintage and Reversible Ploughing Championships were held this weekend in Northern Ireland. England's John Crowder won the Trailing Vintage title and the Overall Vintage Championship title and Graham Sutton won the Classic Reversible title. More details of all the competitors and results on our results page www.ploughmen.co.uk/results/european-ploughing-championships
29 August 2022
Just 2 days left to get the 'early bird' tickets for this year's British National Ploughing Championships & Country Festival! (Dicounted advanced tickets will still be available but not as cheap as the early birds!
27 July 2022
Check out our Facebook page - www.facebook.com/SocietyofPloughmen - the first competition to win tickets to this year's British National Ploughing Championships & Country Festival in Derbyshire is live. More will follow soon!
8 July 2022
Discounted tickets for this year's British National Ploughing Championships & Country Festival are now available to purchase online. Extra 'early bird' discount available until 31st August! Click to buy -
30 May 2022
Come and see us on our stand at Tractor Fest 2022 at Newby Hall, Ripon, North Yorkshire on 3rd - 5th June www.tractorfest.uk
17 May 2022
We've got a stand at the Spring Tractor Show at the Malvern Showground this weekend - come and say hello! www.tractorworldshows.co.uk/spring-tractor-world
16 April 2022
It is with sadness that we learn of the death of our Patron, Lord Henry Plumb, at the age of 97. He was a farmer and a stalwart of British farming throughout his life. It has been a privilege to have known him and to have had his support for so many years. Our thoughts are with his family at this sad time.
Lord Plumb at the 2018 British
National Ploughing Championships
held at Austrey, Warwickshire
11 March 2022
At our Directors and Committees meeting this week, it was decided that in the Classic and Classic Reversible Classes, SCN bodies will now be allowed.
We will be reprinting an updated rule book but in the meantime if have the purple rule book (Dec 21 version) - in Rule 2a in the Classic rules (on page 8 and Rule 2a in the Classic Reversible rules (on page 11) please delete the words "and SCN". It also appears in the centre of the insert under "Ploughs eligible for the classic class" and "Ploughs eligible for the classic reversible class" - again please delete the words "and SCN".
10 March 2022
Our third Ploughing Seminar this year will be at Fittlesworth, near Pulborough, West Sussex on Sunday 10th April 2022. Email or phone for further details.
26 February 2022
Our next seminar will be at Allesley, near Coventry, West Midlands on Saturday 19th March. Contact us for further details
23 February 2022
The spring issue of Ploughing Times has now been sent to all our members and societies. If you're not paid up, or would like to join, please do so soon to get your copy! Details on www.ploughmen.co.uk/join.
21 February 2022
The next Ploughing Seminar to be held this year will be held at Allesley, near Coventry, West Midlands on Saturday 19th March - for World Style Conventional, Reversible and Vintage ploughing. If you would like further details, please contact us as below.
4 February 2022
We're pleased to announce that our first Ploughing Seminar this year will be held at North Petherton, near Bridgwater, Somerset on Saturday 26th February. It will be for Vintage, Classic and World Style Conventional ploughing.
The seminars were originally aimed at judges so they judge at the same level but they are also open to ploughmen and women as we have found they also benefit, as they see the finer points of what the judges are looking for in their ploughing. All levels of jduges and ploughmen can benefit, from those with years of experience to those who are new to ploughing or judging. If you would like further details, contact us - email info@ploughmen.co.uk or telephone 01302 852469 during office hours.
25 January 2022
A reminder to our affiliated societies - please let us have your ploughing match dates (and venues if known) to be included in the next 'Ploughing Times', out next month!
4 January 2022
There have been some amendments to the rules for the Classic Reversible ploughing class: on the judges method of scoring, an aspect of 'Accuracy of Final Furrow' has been added (the same as in the Reversible Class). Also iin the description of ploughs eligible, it now reads the same as the description of ploughs eligible in the Classic Class. In both, UCN bodies are now allowed.
The updated rule book is available from our SHOP page and will be sent out to all our affiliated societies in our February mailout.
10 December 2021
We have some new pens in our 'SHOP' - don't forget to have a look for Christmas gifts for that ploughman or woman in your life! Or why not buy the gift of a Society of Ploughmen membership for 2022? Either look at our JOIN page or call us for details.
18 November 2021
Check out the results page for 2021 here - there are a few photographs of the Championships and links at the bottom of the page for more photographs from some fantastic photographers.
12 October 2021
12 September 2021
We are delighted to welcome Aztec Oils as a gold sponsor of this year's British National Ploughing Championships.
6 September 2021
The latest copy of PLOUGHING TIMES will be sent out to our members and affiliated societies very soon!
31 August 2021
Continental Tyres will again be one of the main sponsors of the 70th British National Ploughing Championships
15 August 2021
Welcome back to Bridgestone/Firestone as one of the main sponsors of the 70th British National Ploughing Championships
9 August 2021
You can now book tickets online for this year's British National Ploughing Championships Click here for further details
29 July 2021
Information has just been sent out to members and societies regarding our forthcoming AGM which will be held on Monday 23rd August.
30 June 2021
Our advertising trailer is at Cereals Event at Boothby Graffoe, Lincoln today and tomorrow!
15 June 2021
We are delighted to announce that THE TRACTOR PLOUGHING MANUAL has been updated and the second edition will be available from 1st July for just £19.99 with free p&p for a limited time. Order your copy now on our SHOP page!
1 June 2021
Entries are open for competitors, trade stands and machinery demonstrations at this year's British National Ploughing Championships - it's going ahead!
16 May 2021
Another cancellation - the 2021 European Vintage Ploughing Championships due to be held in September in Northern Ireland has been cancelled.
15 May 2021
It's just been announced that the 2021 World Ploughing Contest due to be held in September in the Republic of Ireland has been cancelled.
7 May 2021
Just heard that the 2021 European Reversible Ploughing Championships due to be held in September in Northern Ireland has been cancelled due to risks of covid.
25 February 2021
The latest edition of 'Ploughing Times' is ready to go out to all our members and affiliated societies.
23 February 2021
After the Government's announcement yesterday, hopefully we will be able to celebrate 70 years of British Ploughing at Mindrum Mill, Northumberland on 9th & 10th October this year.
27 January 2021
The World Ploughing Contest, originally due to be held in August 2020 then moved to June 2021, has again been postponed until June 2022 due to Covid-19.
24 September 2020
We are delighted to welcome Tama UK as a sponsor of the 2021 British National Ploughing Championships.
4 September 2020
'Ploughing Times' - our latest newsletter should be with all our members and affiliated societies in the next few days.
August 2020
It’s disappointing,but understandable, to see so many ploughing matches cancelled this year. For anyone organising a ploughing match, we recommend they follow government guidelines and also obtain advice from their local authority.
16 July 2020
All National Vintage Area Finals due to be held in 2020 have been cancelled. Competitors who qualified at the 2019 Area Finals will be invited to plough in the 2021 British National Ploughing Championships.
7 July 2020
2020 British National Ploughing Championships - Cancelled
It is with great disappointment and sadness that the Directors of the Society of Ploughmen announce the cancellation of this year’s British National Ploughing Championships at Mindrum Mill, Northumberland due to the ongoing uncertainty of the Covid-19 pandemic.
It was an extremely difficult decision to make but our first priority is the health and safety of our volunteers, competitors, judges, stewards, exhibitors, visitors and the local community. We have consulted our host, our Committees, trade exhibitors and sponsors and we felt it was impossible to hold an event of the same quality and standard that our ploughing competitors and members would expect.
We recognise how disappointing this news will be but are pleased to announce that the event will be held next year on the same site and we would like to thank our host and our future hosts for their co-operation and understanding in allowing this to happen.
All ploughmen who had accepted to represent England in the 2020 World and European Championships will be carried forward to 2021. We intend to organise a ‘selection match’ in the spring to find qualifiers for the 2021 World Ploughing Contest in Ireland and details of this will be communicated in due course.
On behalf of the Society of Ploughmen, we would like to thank you for all your support and understanding and we look forward to coming back with a bigger and better British National Ploughing Championships on 9th & 10th October 2021 at Mindrum Mill, Northumberland.
May-June 2020
We are keeping a close eye on the current Covid-19 pandemic and continue to monitor the situation before a decision is made if the 2020 British National Ploughing Championships will go ahead. We will update as soon as we know further.
12 June 2020
The 2020 European Reversible Ploughing Championships due to be held in September in the Czech Republic have been cancelled due to Covid-19.
19 May 2020
The 2020 European Vintage Ploughing Championships due to be held in September in Denmark have been cancelled due to Covid-19.
1 May 2020
The 2020 World Ploughing Contest due to be held in August has been postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. It will now be held on 19th & 20th June 2021 near St Petersburg, Russia. The 2021 World Contest will still go ahead as planned in September 2021 in the Republic of Ireland, so two World Contests in one year.
4 March 2020
Thanks to all our members who came to the AGM this week. Below are the 2019 British Champions who were presented with their Championship certificates.
28 February 2020
Our AGM will be held on Monday 2nd March - all members and affiliated societies are welcome to attend.
9 February 2020
The latest newsletter is out now now and ready to go to all our members and affiliated societies.
18 December 2019
Booking forms are available for the Ploughing Seminar to be held on Saturday 8th February 2020 at Knockin, near Oswestry, Shropshire. Contact us for details.
21 November 2019
Watch our Academy page for seminars for spring 2020. The first one we have arranged is on Saturday 8th February at Oswestry, Shropshire. Please contact us if you are interested in receiving details of the seminars when available.
6 November 2019
We have a fantastic new soft shell jacket in stock now - navy blue with the SOP logo - they make a great Xmas present, so order early! Look at our 'Shop' page www.ploughmen.co.uk/shop
We're going to be at the Newark Vintage Tractor Show this weekend, so order your souvenirs now and collect them there.
28 October 2019
Congratulations to the England Team on their success in the 2019 European Vintage Ploughing Championships in Scotland. Vintage Trailed - won by Ray Alderson; Vintage Hydraulic - won by Richard Ingram; Classic - won by Jon Cole; Classic Reversible - 3rd place Graham Sutton. Overall Champion - Richard Ingram.
Left to right: Graham Sutton, Ray Alderson, Richard Ingram, Jon Cole,
Charlie Halliday (Judge/Coach)
October 2019
Click the following link for the results and photos from the 69th British National Ploughing Championships: http://www.ploughmen.co.uk/results/britsh-national-ploughing-championships/2019
16 September 2019
Congratulations to our ploughmen in the Six Nations Ploughing Championships, kindly organised by the Llanwarne Agricultural Improvement Society in Herefordshire.
1st John Crowder, England
2nd Trevor Johnstone, England
1st D Thomlinson, England
2nd C Fretwell, England
1st George Black, Scotland
2nd Cliff Hamer, Wales
1 September 2019
Results of the 2019 World Ploughing Contest in the USA are in. Well done to David Chappell, who was 9th in the Conventional Contest and Peter Alderslade who was 12th in the Reversible. The Conventional was won by Andrew Mitchell senior of Scotland the Reversible by Switzerland's Marco Angst. Results, when available, will be on our Results page.
6 August 2019
We are delighted that MAXAM will be again be a main sponsor of this year's British National Ploughing Championships.
4 August 2019
Well done to David Chappell and all the people who have helped to raise and contribute over £15,000 for Breast Cancer Now through #PloughForLife. Donations can still be made to this fantastic cause at www.justgiving.com/fundraising/ploughforlife
19 July 2019
We are pleased to announce that CONTINENTAY TYRES will be a main sponsor of this year's British National Ploughing Championships.
12 July 2019
We have a Facebook competition to win tickets to this year's British National Ploughing Championships at Nocton, Lincolnshire. Like & share the picture to be in with a chance of winning. www.facebook.com/SocietyofPloughmen
9 July 2019
We are delighted that BRIDGESTONE/FIRESTONE will again be joining us as a main sponsor of the British National Ploughing Championships.
24 June 2019
A quick reminder for all our ploughmen and women that the closing date for entries is 30 June.
20 June 2019
Great to see the Cairn of Peace, built to commemorate the 2000 World Ploughing Contest, at the Lincolnshire Show. Unfortunately we couldn't sit on the seats as it was behind the fencing where the horses paraded to the ring.
29 May 2019
We're pleased to announce we are having a Classic Reversible class at the National this year. Prize schedules are now available for this class - contact the SOP for a copy. We intend in future for this class to have qualifying area finals and a plough-off as in the vintage trailed, hydraulic and classic classes.
10 April 2019
Updated rule books now available. No changes other than re-wording of Classic rule 2d.
31 March 2019
See http://www.ploughmen.co.uk/results/european-ploughing-championships for the results of the 2019 European Reversible Ploughing Championships.
21 March 2019
Ploughing Seminar at Tunbridge Wells has been re-arranged to 31st March
9 March 2019
Ploughing seminar due to be held on 17th March has been cancelled due to weather.
5 March 2019
We had a very friendly and enjoyable AGM yesterday. Pictured with Chairman John Hill below are some of the 2018 Champions (clockwise from top left): David Chappell, Richard Ingram, Jon Cole, Peter Alderslade, Ray Alderson, Jim Elliott. Pictured on the right are Vice Chairman Viv Samuel, Chairman John Hill and Chief Executive, Sue Frith.
12 February 2019
The latest newsletter should be with all our members in the next few days.
11 February 2019
Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, the seminar planned for 23rd February at Oswestry has been cancelled.
A new seminar date has been added - Sunday 7th April - Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire. See www.ploughmen.co.uk/academy
21 January 2019
Dates for Ploughing Seminars in February and March 2019 have been announced, see www.ploughmen.co.uk/academy
October 2018
Click the following link for some excellent photographs from the 2018 British National Ploughing Championships: https://carolstevensraycasse.photoshelter.com/gallery/British-National-Ploughing-Championships-2018/G0000JbQhpbakrrU/.
1 October 2018
Nigel Vickers has won the conventional section in the 2018 Five Nations Ploughing Challenge held in Northern Ireland. Billy Purkiss 4th in the reversible. Well done both!
18 September 2018
Newsletters should be with all our members in the next few days.
20 August 2018
England Ploughmen - Mick Chappell and Ashley Boyles - set off to the World Ploughing Contest taking place in Germany on 1st & 2nd September.
14 & 15 August 2018
Congratulations to Ian Simms from Northern Ireland, overall winner of the European Vintage Ploughing Championships in Belgium. Well done to all the other competitors in tough conditions - John Milnes (2nd trailing vintage); Jon Cole (3rd classic vintage) and Colin Hewetson (4th vintage hydraulic).
24 June 2018
Congratulations to Liam O'Driscoll from the Republic of Ireland, winner of the European Reversible Ploughing Championships in Russia. Well done to all the other competitors in 34 degree heat - it was tough going for Robert and Peter who both had huge time penalties on the first day, finishing 13th and 15th respectively overall.
19 June 2018
A reminder to all ploughmen and women that entries close for the National on 30 June.
15 June 2018
Forget about the World Cup in Russia! Our ploughmen are on their way to Suzdal, Russia to take part in the the 2018 European Reversible Ploughing Championships next weekend (23rd & 24th June). Good luck to Peter Alderslade and Robert Snowdon.
6 April 2018
We are delighted that BRIDGESTONE/FIRESTONE will again be a main sponsor of the British National Ploughing Championships.
27 March 2018
Unfortunately we have had to cancel our Ploughing Seminar at Edenbridge, Kent on 31st March due to wet ground conditions. Unfortunately we are unable to re-arrange it this spring.
15 March 2018
Unfortunately ploughing matches are being cancelled or postponed throughout the country due to severe wet conditions at the moment. Keep an eye on our UK Matches page for any updates.
5 March 2018
At the 2018 AGM, we presented certificates to the 2017 National Champions who were able to be there.
Pictured below is Chairman John Hill, presenting certificates to - Mick Chappell (Reversible Champion); John Milnes (Overall Vintage & Trailed Vintage Champion); Jim Elliott (Horse Ploughing Champion); Richard Ingram (Vintage Hydraulic Champion) and Derek Needham (High Cut Champion).
4 March 2018
Unfortunately we have had to cancel our Ploughing Seminar at East Boldon, Tyne & Wear on 10th March due to severe weather conditions. Hopefully we will be able to re-arrange this at a later date.
19 February 2018
Yesterday we held our first Ploughing Seminar of the year at North Petherton, Somerset. It was a great day, weather was fine and enjoyed by all. We are still taking bookings for the next ones - Saturday 25th February at Hockley, Essex; Saturday 10th March at East Boldon, Tyne & Wear and Saturday 31st March at Edenbridge, Kent.
12 February 2018
Our Spring newsletter has just been sent out to all our members.
2 February 2018
Membership is due for the current year - the latest newsletter will be on it's way to members very soon.
28 January 2018
There's a slight change to the address of the site for the 2018 British National Ploughing Championships than originally advertised. The address is Austrey, near Atherstone, Warwickshire, CV9 3ED. The date is 13th & 14th October.
20 January 2018
We're delighted to welcome Maxam Tire as a sponsor of the British National Ploughing Championships.
13 January 2018
Society of Ploughmen director, David Chappell has launched #PloughForLife to raise funds for Breast Cancer Research. He has painted his plough pink and will be fundraising and raising awareness at ploughing matches and shows throughout the year. His tractor and plough will be at the LAMMA show at Peterborough this week on the Maxam Tyres stand.
Click here to read David's story
11 January 2018
Four Ploughing Seminars will take place this spring for judges and ploughmen, experienced or novice. Click on the ACADEMY tab at the top of the page for further details.
9 January 2018
Four Ploughing Seminars will take place this spring for judges and ploughmen, experienced or novice. Click on the ACADEMY tab at the top of the page for further details.
3 December 2017
Results are in from the 64th World Ploughing Contest in Kenya. Ian Brewer won the trophy for best ploughing by a competitor ploughing in a World contest for the first time.
Click on the RESULTS tab at the top of the page for the full results.
14 & 15 October 2017
Full results are available from the 2017 British National Ploughing Championships. Click on the RESULTS tab at the top of the page for results and photos.
8 September 2017
We have some competitions running on Facebook to win tickets for this year's British National Ploughing Championships at Bishop's Lydeard,
Taunton, Somerset on 14th & 15th October. Like us and share the photographs - look for SocietyofPloughmen.
3 September 2017
Fantastic news that Ray Alderson has won the overall championship title at the European Vintage Ploughing Championships. Jon Cole took second
place in his class. After the disappointment of cancelling ploughing on day one due to the weather, the second day went ahead as planned.
Go to our RESULTS tab to see the results.
2nd September 2017
Disappointing news that the first day of the European Vintage Ploughing Championships in Bavaria, Germany has been cancelled today due to
wet weather/wet ground conditions.
Our ploughmen, over there ready to compete with many other nations are Jon Cole and Ray Alderson, pictured below with coach/judge John Harris.